By: Judy Blume
Published by: Yearling

Pages: 48
Andrew wanted more freckles like another boy in his class, so his mom wouldn't know when his neck was dirty. A girl in his class overhears him saying that he wants more freckles, and says that for 50 cents she would give him the secret recipe for freckle juice. Andrew falls for it and gives her 50 cents, she gives him a paper with a list of ingredients. Andrew goes home when his mom is at the neighbors and drinks this vile drink of a mix of ingredients. He gets sick from the ingredients, and doesn't go to school the next day. He is embarrassed the drink didn't give him freckles, so he used a magic marker to give himself freckles. The next day at school, the teacher sees his freckles start to run and gives him a freckle remover. (soap and water) and he takes off his "freckles" At the end he decides that he likes himself just the way he is!
Ages: 4-8
Conflicts: None that I could see, this is a cute harmless book.
My reaction: I thought this was a fun book, I could have seen myself doing as a kid, so it made me laugh. I give this book 3 stars ***
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