By: Paula Danziger
Published by: Penguin Group

Pages: 80
This book is about a misfit girl named Amber Brown. Her best friend Justin is also a misfit, and together they have a lot of fun. They are never apart. But one day they are walking home from school, and when they get to Justin's house they see a for sale sign. Amber tries to stop anyone from buying the house, but despite her efforts the house gets sold and Justin's family plans on moving to to Alabama. Justin doesn't seem too sad though, he even throws out the gum collection that he and Amber have been working on. This puts Amber over the edge, and she disowns Justin as her best friend. And begins to search for a new one. But no one can quite take Justin's place. The day came when Justin was saying goodbye to the class, and he and Amber make up, and become friends again. Justin gives the gum collection( that he dug out of the garbage) to Amber as a going away present. Even though they are both dad, they still plan on talking on the phone, well when their parents allow it.
Ages: 7-11
Possible conflicts: I don't think there are any possible conflicts found in this book.
My reaction: I loved Amber Brown growing up, and I still love it reading it again. They are such fun stories, with good lessons behind them. I give this book 4 stars ****
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