By: Gina Capaldi
Pulblished by: Carolrhonda Books
Ages: 8-12
Pages: 32
A true a story about an Yavapai Indian boy named Beckoning. He writes a letter to a professor stating he is willing to answer any questions the professor might have about his way of life. One night he was running from US soldiers and was seperatedd from his family and kidnapped by a strange man, and witnessed his village being burned. He was taken by horseback to a different village; a strange village. After a week, he was sold as a slave. His owner cut his hair, gave him a bath, and made him "civilized." The boy cried a lot, and to comfort him, his owner took him to talk with two indian girls. These girls happened to be his sisters. He only saw them 2 times again. The boy was baptized and given the new name of Carlos. When traveling he was given the job of being an actor. After traveling for quite some time, they settled in Chicago. And Carlos attended public school. When he was 11 his " father" was forced to leave him behind with a new family. Carlos attended medical school on scholarships. When he looked for his blodd family, he found they were all dead. But he was a doctor all of his life, and was happy with it.
Who I would recommend this to: Anyone really, such a great motivational story.
Possible problems/conflicts? None that I see.
My reaction: I loved this book, very interesting and motivational! 5 stars!
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