Tuesday, January 26, 2010



Penguin Group 2000

146 pages

Reading level: Ages 9-12

Juvenile Fiction

This book is told from the percpetive of a young boy named Peter Hatcher. He and his family take a trip to Maine with some family friends. Peter isn't too happy to stay next door to his sworn enemy, Sheila Tubman, for 3 weeks. But his 5 year old brother, Fudge, couldn't be happier. He was convinced that he and Sheila would be married. The two families end up sharing a house together, and things get crazy. Someone leaves the window open, and lets Fudge's bird, Uncle Feather, out of the house. Fudge, and Peter end up meeting the wife of a retired famous baseball player. Silly adventures continue through out the book. Fudge doesn't end up marrying Sheila. But he has found himself a new puppy love named Mitsy, the granddaughter of the famous baseball player. But two people do end up getting married at the end, but not who you would have thought. Peter Hatcher's grandma marries Sheila Tubman's grandfather. This puts quite the twist on the story. Not only did Peter have to spend 3 weeks in the same house as his sworn enemy but he had to work through his differences with Sheila, because now they are cousins.

I would recommend this book to 3rd and 4th graders. But this book can get a laugh out of just about anyone!

What problems/conflicts could this book potentially cause? The children in this book are not nice to each other. They call each other a lot of names and say rude things to each other. This possibly could teach children inadequate social skills.

My reaction: I loved this book when I was in grade school, and I still love it now. It is a witty and humoruous book! I give it 4 stars! ****

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Book Buzz

I have taken on the challenge this semester of a 300 level English class. And for that class I have to read around 65 books, that are young adult literature. I have read a few so far, and I have a feeling it is going to be quite the adventure! They are so fun to read. So I challenge you to go on this adventure with me, and follow this blog. I will post reviews on books every where from nonfiction to picture books! I encourage you to put your inputs on these books, or suggest other great young adult books.

Thank you!
